Program Details

18+ years
10th Pass
Weekday Batch:
2 months
Weekend Batch:
3 months


Classic Fitness:
2 years
Course Details

Essentials of Weight Management and Supplementation


Conducted by Classic Fitness Academy which provides scientific knowledge based information to certify students as Nutritionists. It imparts the standards and guidelines laid by Indian Council of Medical Research and National Institute of Nutrition. Also provides you with 2.1 CEC?s (continuing education credit points).

Topics we cover: - Detailed information is provided on macro and micronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins etc. Supplementations, their intake timings and side effects, Energy metabolism and weight management, popular weight loss diets their pros and cons and How to gather data related to diet and plan diets for the people.


Certification Given:

-       Completion certificate for EWMS

-        Fitness Nutritionist Specialist 


Eligibility: - 18 years and above

Qualification: - 12th Pass 

Documents Required:

-       Educational Proof (Two)

-       Id and Address Proof (Two)

-       Passport size Photograph (Two)

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